May 2020 |

Brand identity development for Swiss navigation system company.

Drone technology has allowed for the trajectory of new innovators, next-gen scientists and businesses to utilise the tech for their advantage. Swiss FIX POSITION joins that list of companies employing drone technology. Specialising in navigation, they are set to provide their clients with a product to rely on, they care greatly on improving navigation solutions for vehicles.

TROKT were employed to develop an identity that depicted their offering. Knowing drones is the sole element of their business, TROKIT wanted to work around this. A birds-eye view of the drone began to emerge, forming the ‘X’ of FIXPOSITION. A generic ‘X’ symbol was not what the team thought was adequate so, one more alteration was made, the symbol then was a split in the middle. The split resembled two arrows pointing opposite directions, this was to draw a viewer’s attention to the middle as well as describe the free movement of the drones. 

With segments combined, typography was then established. A clean, modern and future-like font was employed by the designers. Providing FIX POSITION with an extensive identity to move forward into the future.






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